Virtual laboratory Senior Two Science Subjects
User Manual
Version 1.0.0
© 2020-2022 Kina games ltd
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1.First Steps................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Why is Vlabs Useful? ...................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Some Terminology........................................................................................................... 6
1.3Features Overview ............................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Supported Operating Systems .......................................................................................... 7
2.Installing Vlabs ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Installing Offline version on Windows Hosts .................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Prerequisites .............................................................................................................. 8
2.1.2 Performing the Installation ....................................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Uninstallation offline version on windows host ..................................................... 13
2.2 Installing Offline version on Android Hosts .................................................................. 15
2.2.3 Uninstallation offline version on Android host ...................................................... 18
2.3 Running Online version ................................................................................................. 20
2.3.1 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................ 20
2.3.2 Performing the Installation ..................................................................................... 20
3.Get started with Vlabs ........................................................................................................... 22
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Figure 1: The following screenshot shows how Vlabs, installed on an windows 10 computer.4
Figure 2: The following screenshot shows how Vlabs, runs on a browser. ............................... 4
Figure 3: Display list of senior 2 chemistry experiments .......................................................... 5
Figure 4: Choose Vlabs offline version ..................................................................................... 8
Figure 5: shows location of executable file ............................................................................... 9
Figure 6: Select executable file in download folder .................................................................. 9
Figure 7: clicking on run .......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 8: Select setup language ............................................................................................... 10
Figure 9: Agree for installation ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 10: Waiting installation ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 11: Installation completed ............................................................................................ 12
Figure 12: after installation and run Vlabs for the first time ................................................... 12
Figure 13:Control panel/Uninstall a program .......................................................................... 13
Figure 14: Selected Vlabs ........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 15: Uninstall Vlabs ....................................................................................................... 14
Figure 16: Confirm uninstallation ............................................................................................ 14
Figure 17: Selected Vlabs ........................................................................................................ 19
Figure 18: Choose course......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 19: Available experiments in chemistry course............................................................ 21
Figure 20: Starting Experiment ................................................................................................ 21
Figure 21:Introduction of experiments .................................................................................... 22
Figure 22:Shortcut of VLab ..................................................................................................... 22
Figure 23:Home page of VLab ................................................................................................ 23
Figure 24:Home page of Unit .................................................................................................. 24
Figure 25:Introduction of sodium chloride and candle wax .................................................... 24
Figure 26: Drag process ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 27:Back process ............................................................................................................ 26
Figure 28:Heating Process ....................................................................................................... 26
Figure 29:Observation and Conclusion ................................................................................... 27
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1.First Steps
Welcome to Virtual laboratory.
Virtual laboratory is a cross-platform virtualization application. What does that mean? For
one thing, it runs on computers (Windows) and smart phones (IOS and Android).
Figure 1: The following screenshot shows how Vlabs, installed on an windows 10 computer.
Figure 2: The following screenshot shows how Vlabs, runs on a browser.
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Figure 3: Display list of senior 2 chemistry experiments
In this User Manual, we are going to begin with a quick introduction to virtualization and
how to get your first virtual lab running with the easy-to-use Vlabs graphical user interface.
Subsequent chapters will go into much more detail covering more features, but fortunately, it
is not necessary to read the entire User Manual before you can use Vlabs.
1.1 Why is Vlabs Useful?
The techniques and features that Vlabs provides are useful in the following scenarios:
Running multiple operating systems. Vlabs enables you to run virtual experiments for
senior two science courses. This way, you can run offline version on Windows OS, smart Phone
(IOS and Android) and Online version on a Windows, Linux or a Mac using installed internet
software (Browser).
Easier software installations. User can use virtual laboratory offline or online version. For
example, installing an offline version, it requires setup (Exe) for windows and APK (android)
or IPA(IOS) for smart Phone.
For Online version, User can run Vlabs on any computers which is installed internet browser
Infrastructure consolidation. Help students to perform experiments more than once on their
own using Vlabs in smart classrooms or at home via computer or any other devices.
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Enable students to perform many experiments that are difficult to perform in real laboratories
because of their risks.
1.2 Some Terminology
When dealing with virtualization, and also for understanding this documentation, it helps to
acquaint oneself with a bit of crucial terminology, especially the following
Operating system (OS). This is the main software of the physical computer or Smart phone
on which Vlabs was installed. There are versions of Vlabs for Windows, IOS as well as
android and these versions don’t require internet connection (Offline version).
Internet browser (browser). This is the software installed on the physical computer on
which Vlabs was ran. This version requires internet connection (Online version).
The system will be compatible with multitudes of web browsers supported HTML 5
including but not limited: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and Microsoft Edge.
Virtual laboratory science (Vlabs). This is the special environment similar physical
science laboratory found in school that using computer graphics.
WebGL (Web Graphics Library). is a JavaScript API for rendering high-performance
interactive 3D and 2D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-
ins. WebGL does so by introducing an API that closely conforms to OpenGL ES 2.0 that can
be used in HTML5 <canvas> elements. This conformance makes it possible for the API to take
advantage of hardware graphics acceleration provided by the user's device.
1.3Features Overview
The following is a brief outline of Virtual Lab main features:
Portability. Virtual lab runs on a 64-bit or 32-bit windows operating systems. Supported
Mobile Operating Systems such as Android and IOS. The Virtual lab offline version requires
an windows OS on computer or Android, IOS for smart Phone while online version requires
browser software to be installed on any computer operating system.
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3D virtualization. a virtual lab will support automatic adjustment of video resolutions,
seamless windows, accelerated 3D graphics and more.
Audio. a virtual lab will support audio that use the computer's speakers for audio as well as
mobile device build in speaker.
1.4 Supported Operating Systems
Currently, Vlabs runs on the following OSes:
- Offline Version
• Windows hosts (64-bit or 32-bit):
- Windows 7
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows Server
• Android:
- Minimum version 4.4 (KitKat) API 19
• IOS (iPhone + iPad):
- Minimum version 10.0
- Online Version
Vlabs is compatible with web browser that supports WebGL (Web Graphics Library) which
can run on any operating system.
Support for WebGL is present in Firefox 4+, Google Chrome 9+, Opera 12+, Safari 5.1+,
Internet Explorer 11+, and Microsoft Edge build 10240
2.Installing Vlabs
Vlabs comes in many different packages, and installation depends on your host OS. If you have
installed software before, installation should be straightforward. On each host platform, Vlabs
uses the installation method that is most common and easy to use for Offline version. If you
run into trouble or have special requirements you should use the Online version.
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As installation of Vlabs varies depending on your host operating system, the following sections
provide installation instructions for Offline version (Windows and Android) and online version
(Web browser).
2.1 Installing Offline version on Windows Hosts
2.1.1 Prerequisites
For the various versions of Windows that are supported as host operating systems, in addition
Windows Installer must be present on your system. This should be the case for all supported
Windows platforms.
2.1.2 Performing the Installation
The Vlabs installation can be started in either of the following ways:
By downloading the executable version online on and clicking to get
Vlabs offline
Figure 4: Choose Vlabs offline version
Choose windows Platform icon for downloading the executable file.
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Figure 5: shows location of executable file
By double-clicking on the executable file.(missing link)
Figure 6: Select executable file in download folder
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Click on run:
Figure 7: clicking on run
Choose language for setup installation:
Figure 8: Select setup language
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Check on agree button taggle and install:
Figure 9: Agree for installation
Waiting progress for an installation action:
Figure 10: Waiting installation
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After complete installation, you can run it or finish:
Figure 11: Installation completed
Running Vlabs after installation:
Figure 12: after installation and run Vlabs for the first time
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2.1.3 Uninstallation offline version on windows host
As Vlabs uses the standard Microsoft Windows installer, Vlabs can be safely uninstalled at
any time. Click the program entry in the Add/Remove Programs list in the Windows Control
Figure 13:Control panel/Uninstall a program
Select Vlabs software:
Figure 14: Selected Vlabs
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Click on Uninstall:
Figure 15: Uninstall Vlabs
Click on Yes button to confirm uninstallation:
Figure 16: Confirm uninstallation
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2.2 Installing Offline version on Android Hosts
2.2.1 Prerequisites
For the various versions of Android that are supported as host operating systems, in addition,
Android must be present on your Mobile system.
2.2.2 Performing the Installation
The Vlabs installation can be started in either of the following ways:
By downloading the APK for android version online on and clicking
to get Vlabs offline
Choose Google Play icon for downloading the APK file.
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Waiting APK file to be downloaded completely.
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Select APK installer on your android Phone and click on install.
Waiting installation progress: After installation is complete:
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Open mobile Vlabs app after installation:
2.2.3 Uninstallation offline version on Android host
As Vlabs uses the standard Google android, Vlabs can be safely uninstalled at any time. Click
on and Hold the Vlabs app.
Select Vlabs app Click on Uninstall buttons
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Click on okay to confirm uninstallation:
Figure 17: Selected Vlabs
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2.3 Running Online version
2.3.1 Prerequisites
For the various versions of web browser that are supported by WebGL, in addition, Web
browser must be installed on your computers.
2.3.2 Performing the Installation
The Vlabs for online version is not require any setup or installation, it can be accessible via a
web browser with provided link
Select a course, you want to interact with Vlabs
Figure 18: Choose course
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After select a course, you should see all experiments available.
Figure 19: Available experiments in chemistry course
Running Vlabs online
Figure 20: Starting Experiment
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Figure 21:Introduction of experiments
3.Get started with Vlabs
How to navigate through the experiment: VLAB
Click on the App on the screen
Figure 22:Shortcut of Vlabs
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You will see a screen below, click on chemistry then click on select button
Figure 23:Home page of Vlabs
The screen will appear like the following.
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Figure 24:Home page of Unit
Click the unit that you want to navigate through, the screen will display as the following
Figure 25:Introduction of sodium chloride and candle wax
Now you can perform the experiment of testing melting point of sodium chloride and candle
wax by clicking okay button, you will see the start button to perform the experiment, then
pass through different steps.
1.On Upper left Side you have the following button:
o Experiments button: experiment allows to see the list of experiment of unit.
o Procedure’s button: procedures button helps to see the procedures while you are
performing experiment.
o Materials button: Materials button allows to see the list apparatus and chemicals
that make an experiment.
2.On upper right Side you have the following button:
o Summary notes: summary button allows to review the contents about the experiment.
o Assessment button: Assessment button helps to carry out assessment on experiment.
o Report writing button: report writing button allows to see how scientific report is
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o Voice assistant button: by using Voice assistant button you can hear the procedures,
when it is OFF you cannot hear.
3.On down right Side you have the following button:
o Quit: quit but allows to exit unit.
4.On down left Side you have the following button:
o Progress label: progress label allows to see the progress of a unit.
5.In the middle upper, you have the title of an experiment.
How to drag and drop
Click left and hold on, then move the item like endful spatula of sodium chloride to the
mouth of test tube then drop the content.
Figure 26: Drag process
By clicking on the “CONTINUE” button you can proceed to the next step
By clicking on “BACK” button you can repeat the previous step or previous procedure
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Figure 27:Back process
How to heat the chemicals over the Bunsen burner? LAB
Click on the Bunsen burner on the arrow where the hand is mentioning
Figure 28:Heating Process
To switch off Bunsen burner, click on Bunsen burner at the same point you have clicked
while you were opening the Bunsen burner.
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When the experiment is completed, you can see the “NEXT STEP” button asking to click so
that you can see observation and conclusion.
Figure 29:Observation and Conclusion